HR needs to defuse a time bomb of organisational trauma

When people ask what HR professionals do at work, have you ever described yourself as a bomb disposal expert? It may sound dramatic, but not only do we have to identify and defuse bombs, we are also...

Physical fitness and mindful movement tips to enhance mental wellbeing at work

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship and business leadership, the pressure to perform can be overwhelming.

How to support employees in cancer remission

A cancer diagnosis can be one of the single most traumatic life events faced by a person. Yet what is less widely acknowledged is the far-reaching, ongoing physical and emotional impacts of cancer.

Most businesses are suffering from Long Covid

Organisations are trying to put Covid-19 in the rear-view mirror, but the aftereffects of such a turbulent business period – lack of clarity, fatigue over change, anxiety about redundancy – are still...

HR must do more for those experiencing baby loss

Around one in four pregnancies will, sadly, end in a loss.

Should HR leaders be concerned about an epidemic of loneliness?

In March 2020 most of the world’s city centres and offices emptied amidst mandatory lockdowns. But when restrictions eased, and offices reopened many employees did not rush back to their desks.

Dealing with death in the workplace

Leave your personal woes at home, and avoid bringing them to office, is the standard expectation in the workplace. 

The silent privilege of wellbeing amid the cost of living crisis

Nuffield Health’s 2023 Healthier Nation Index revealed 59% of individuals think the cost of living or a change in personal finances had negatively affected their mental health over the past year.

Support hidden health conditions to combat soaring absence

Managers must help employees with hidden health conditions come forward for support – before they become too sick to work.

Are your sleepless nights damaging the bottom line – and your team?

Sleep matters. Fact. There are many articles, backed up by tons of solid research, explaining the detrimental effects of short or poor sleep on physical and mental health, emotional wellbeing, and...

HR's wellbeing needs to become a business priority

Whenever HR magazine posts a piece regarding wellbeing or burnout in the HR profession, it always shoots to the top of our ‘most read’.

The best way to claw back UK business’s lost billions

We’re often told that one of the main things holding back UK business is the productivity gap – that we produce less per capita than our international competitors.