Meeting the needs of disabled colleagues during COVID-19

We are living in unprecedented and unchartered times. Over the last few weeks, we have all had to adapt, at pace, to new ways of working and living, in order to protect our own health and that of the...

HR responds to COVID-19: Hertfordshire County Council

The ‘human touch’ has been fundamental to helping employees at Hertfordshire County Council respond to coronavirus.

How can businesses become more sustainable?

We are in a climate emergency, and experts from HR magazine’s lunchtime debate yesterday (18 March) argued that HR should be helping businesses to become carbon neutral

Identikit open-plan offices don't work

Your space should be designed to reflect the needs of your workforce, and accommodate those you may be looking to attract

HR can innovate but it takes time and perseverance

The function must be prepared for some ideas to fail and not get caught up in churning out initiatives as fast as possible

Implementing a ‘learn-it-all’ culture

All working cultures have their benefits and drawbacks, but one of the most recent to emerge is the ‘learn-it-all’ culture

Upskilling and 'human digitisation' at Henkel

Staff at Henkel identified what skills were needed to take jobs forward on the organisation’s journey to digitisation, and paths were created for managers and blue-collar workers

Three employee traits to hire for innovation

Finding people who can adjust, learn and adapt is the way to stay ahead of the game

Fast-track ‘global talent visa’ to be launched

Scientists and researchers seeking a working visa will no longer need a job offer before entering the UK, according to an immigration policy update

How Nationwide learns from (and helps) start-ups

?Increasingly HRDs in larger, more traditional, established organisations are working with start-ups through incubator activities at their companies

Hot topic: Transition to a green economy, part two

Polling for the general election suggested that the environment was a greater concern for voters than ever

Losing employees to a rival company can have an upside

While losing a valuable employee to competition shouldn't be celebrated, it does provide an opportunity for innovation and collaboration