Using poetry to engage staff in training

Poems can help make internal comms more memorable, and excite employees to help spread the message

IR35 is about to create more red tape for private firms

Proposed changes to IR35 legislation for the private sector could create confusion around Personal Service Companies and company sizes

British Airways faces record data breach fine: HR experts react

HR must have a robust plan for cyber attacks, according to experts commenting following the news that British Airways (BA) is facing a record fine over a data breach

GDPR one year on: What has HR learnt?

While there have been few enforcements to date, some important lessons have emerged

What HR needs to know about the Good Work Plan

People professionals must ensure compliance with new regulations coming into force next April but also this month

Firms must tackle modern slavery to win public contracts

Organisations must do more to help improve society such as employing a diverse workforce and tackling modern slavery if they want to win public sector contracts, the UK government will announce today