Lessons from the Conservative leadership race: Beware the 'heroic' leader

When we search, in the face of such a complex, divisive, intractable issue such as Brexit, for a leader who will save us in an instant, is it any surprise they fail?

HR and race in the workplace

Racial inequality is under-discussed. Nervousness, denial and lack of vocal role models are contributing to a serious diversity problem organisations need to start talking about

HR hero lessons from Avengers: Endgame

There are many things HR can learn from superheroes, including how to tackle complacency, mediocrity, fear, poor management, hierarchy and loss of voice

Clearing the collaboration fog

?There is a constant call for different parts of our organisations to 'collaborate'. But sadly the conversation often ends up vague

Ethics and HR

There’s no such thing as a black and white ethical dilemma. So how can HR practitioners develop their personal ethics so they can help their organisations navigate the grey areas?

Trust is the foundation of business

Trust is an important business currency and needs to be reflected right through an organisation’s behaviours and actions

Why some talented leaders succeed while others derail

This research explores the relationship between having talent and being successful

Gender pay gap reporting: Where are we now?

What must still be done to redress the unequal balance of male/female seniority, recognition and reward?

Creativity flourishes when managers listen

Managers listening attentively can boost team creativity, according to research from King’s College London and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem  

HRD's pocket guide to... devolution

The HRD’s pocket guide series offers an explanation of areas outside day-to-day HR that business-savvy HRDs need to have a handle on

Universal basic income around the world

How a universal basic income was piloted in Finland and Namibia

Wealth distribution: Stakeholder capitalism

We’ve explored three key models for redistributing income, and their implications for the psychology of work and HR