Don't always look on the bright side (of personality)

It's just as important to pay attention to the dark side, which is unavoidable and consequential

Why HR professionals are losing their humanity

Unfortunately most people work in medieval, fear-driven cultures

Effective listening by using awareness

Poor listening is due to lack of skills in directing awareness purposefully

Hollywood mindsets: The connection between power and harassment

A good place to start in addressing harassment is to look at power through the lens of the 5-Level Emergent Leadership model

How to help rather than micromanage

Leaders need to think of helping as a major part of their job and clearly communicate that to their subordinates

Being 'radically honest' in the workplace

Transparency in organisations is growing, but is total (or rather radical) honesty always the best policy?

The office is dead. Long live the office

What can HR do to ensure that our workspaces really are fit for work?


Learning from failure: What management derailment reveals

Failure can reveal more about psychological processes with respect to leadership than success

HR mythbusting: Can people be sorted into personality categories at work?

Our series by Adrian Furnham and Ian MacRae explores myths HRDs should be seeking to debunk in 2018

HR mythbusting: Is there 'hidden' brainpower waiting to be unlocked?

There is huge potential for improving performance, it just won’t come from a magic pill

Leaders need to transform from parents to peers

The way most companies are organised inevitably leads to employee infantilisation

Power dynamics: Managing change in an organisation

Complicated human power relationships can enable or restrict changes in organisational practice