Harnessing the power of internal influencers

Internal influencers can engage others, demonstrate the benefits of change and get people on board with organisational objectives

Two-thirds in HR struggle with onboarding

?Nearly two-thirds (63%) of HR professionals have experienced new recruits quitting before they've even started, according to Cezanne HR

HR's stance on office romance

Relationships between employees will happen, and it's not for HR to leave a trail of broken hearts

HRD Summit keynote: People are the last competitive advantage

“One of the few sources of lasting advantage left is people”, according to academic Rita McGrath

How to make ideas happen by inspiring your team

To ensure your strategies are a success there are three key areas to take note of

Back to basics... Whistleblowing hotlines

Our back to basics series brings you top tips from industry experts on the bread and butter areas of HR

Case study: Tailoring a health and wellbeing strategy

The workforce at Arconic’s Kitts Green site weren’t engaged with health interventions, so HR created a strategy around their specific wellbeing needs

Greater workplace support for fertility patients needed

Infertility can be emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially draining, and it is estimated that one in seven couples have problems conceiving

HR takes centre stage at the Royal Shakespeare Company

Its HRD Jo Pitman wants to see a workforce as diverse as its performances, and HR has a leading role in achieving that

The importance of psychological safety

You may not know your staff aren’t speaking up, meaning problems go unreported and unresolved

How businesses can engage BAME employees

As chair of Amazon’s Black Employee Network (BEN) I have seen how vital it can be for organisations to engage black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) employees

CIPD 2018: Language of AI and automation spreads fear

A panel at the CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition discussed how AI and automation will help and hinder HR