HR needs to defuse a time bomb of organisational trauma

When people ask what HR professionals do at work, have you ever described yourself as a bomb disposal expert? It may sound dramatic, but not only do we have to identify and defuse bombs, we are also...

January absence triples twice in past two years

Absences tripled year on year from January 2021 to January 2022 and again to January 2023, according to data from HR software BrightHR.

Has the cost of living crisis had a positive impact on money stigma?

Employees who don’t feel comfortable sharing money worries at work say it’s because they don’t think their employer can help. This is despite organisations making significant investments in financial...

How can HR help employees beat January blues?

As employees return to the office after the festive season, HR experts give advice on how to foster a positive start to a new year at work.

What do employees want from HR in 2024?

Last year was a mammoth year of HR navigation for employers.

Employers concerned about long-term illness

A fifth of employers are concerned about employees living with long-term chronic illnesses, according to research from industry body Group Risk Development (Grid).

Physical fitness and mindful movement tips to enhance mental wellbeing at work

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship and business leadership, the pressure to perform can be overwhelming.

Senior leaders criticised over lack of empathy

Just 51% of UK employees think their senior leadership team is empathetic, according to software company O.C. Tanner.

Dear HR haters: A response to the Telegraph

On 11 December, The Telegraph published an article which asked if HR’s transformation from ‘corporate backwater’ to ‘a powerful force’ was largely responsible for the UK’s stubbornly low productivity...

How to support employees in cancer remission

A cancer diagnosis can be one of the single most traumatic life events faced by a person. Yet what is less widely acknowledged is the far-reaching, ongoing physical and emotional impacts of cancer.

Work notifications ruining family time for younger workers

Increased work notifications are disrupting employees' time with loved ones, according to technology company RingCentral.

Hot topic: When is drug testing fair?

Athletes, police officers and members of the armed forces have historically been drug tested, but employers in other sectors are beginning to follow the practice. When is it fair to ask employees to...