Cryptocurrency fraud sparks concerns over adoption of new tech

A headline-making workplace cryptocurrency fraud has reignited debate on how far employer policies should change to guard against the impact of evolving technologies at work.


Monitoring remote employees: will it push people back to the office?

Reports have revealed that the Cabinet Office is monitoring staff computers and wifi logins in a bid to persuade them to return to the office, and it may lead other employers to think that they can...

Travel safety should fall under HR umbrella

Employees across the UK feel their employers should take more responsibility for their safety when they're travelling for work.

The impact of perceptions and stereotypes on women’s performance

A new study from King’s College suggests that stereotypes around women’s ability to play chess may explain why they underperform when competing against men. Move away from the world of chess to the...

Health and safety in extreme weather: the problem hots up

Covid and high energy prices could create more issues in extreme cold, than extreme heat.

Register for our latest webinar on tools and techniques on how HR can take back control

Don’t miss out on our latest HR Lunchtime Debate on Wednesday 20 September at 12:30pm.

Noise in the office distracting employees? Here’s how HR can help

Now that offices have re-opened in the UK, there’s more opportunity for workers to divide their working day between home and HQ. In fact, research found that 54% of office workers intend to break up...

The big refreeze: HR’s role in helping organisations adapt post-pandemic, part two

The social and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic has inspired widespread change for many business. Lynda Gratton studies how HR can help organisation consolidate new ways of working

The big refreeze: HR’s role in helping organisations adapt post-pandemic, part one

The social and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic has inspired widespread change for many business. Lynda Gratton studies how HR can help organisation consolidate new ways of working

Catch up: Where do you draw the line with social media screening?

It’s common for recruiters to do their homework when looking for high-profile candidates and with the prevalence of social media, employers would be remiss to leave it out, finds Nosa Omoigui

Too many businesses still hiding behind green PR

Many employers are relying on "made up" sustainability credentials to bolster brand awareness and compete for talent, rather than focusing on climate change and implementing effective strategies to...

HR must step up to the climate challenge

England is traditionally not very good at breaking records. Our football team never seems to lift the trophy (until this year), our transport links aren’t always on time and our happiness levels…...