Chancellor slammed for concerns about losing ‘water cooler moments’ to remote work

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has suggested the office should be the “default” for workers as he’s concerned about the creativity lost in permanent remote work.

How to create a performance improvement plan fit for hybrid working and Gen Z

Performance improvement plans (PIPs) or personal development plans (PDPs) used to be the go-to method for boosting employee performance in the workplace.

Why we need a new model for HR: part 2, outlining HR 3.0

In the final part of the first instalment of this series, I left readers to ponder three things, one of which being a departure from three verticals in the existing dominant business partner model.

Unpaid care in England and Wales has equivalent value to a second NHS

New findings from charity Carers UK and the University of Sheffield found the annual economic value of unpaid care is equivalent to a second NHS in England and Wales.

Hybrid working can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%

New research has found hybrid working can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80% in cities across the UK.

Why we need a new model for HR, an introduction

Wherever I turn, whoever I speak to in HR roles (be they in talent acquisition right through to organisation development, change and engagement work) I see and hear the same thing: We’ve never been...

Why ‘agility bubbles’ will be the new management trend for 2023

Inviting a team of employees into a protected space, where they are given permission to do things differently than the rest of the organisation, is what we refer to as an ‘agility bubble’.

It’s not where you work that matters now, but how

Where we work may now be less of an issue than it was – but it’s still contentious. So what five areas do we need to urgently address to make this new world of work really deliver?


Are we returning to pre-pandemic ways of working?

A new report claims the increase of workplace stress is due to shifting back to pre-pandemic ways of working.

HR Most Influential Podcast: Solving the hybrid working conundrum with Gemma Dale

The HR Most Influential Podcast has gone live with the fifth episode of its second series, featuring Gemma Dale as its starring guest.

Long Covid leading to mistreatment, bullying and job loss

Employees with long Covid have been mistreated at work and one in seven (14%) have lost their job for related reasons, a new study has found.

International study on hybrid working seeks HR input

A new three-year investigation into the impact of hybrid working has been launched by employee experience analyst Leesman.