Bosses 'waste three days per year' in meetings

The average director or manager spends around two-and-a-half hours in meetings each week

Look outside for HR strategy inspiration

How reading widely and engaging with experts helped Mencap become more people-focused

HRD's pocket guide to... public speaking

This month's pocket guide talks the talk on public speaking

Lynda Gratton: Adult-adult work relationships in multi-stage lives

The relationship between employer and employee is moving from ‘parent-child’ to ‘adult-adult’

The malleable brain: Understand your employees better with neuroscience

By understanding how we are wired we can develop L&D packages that address the way our brains work best

Graduates want application and interview feedback

Many graduates experienced delayed, poor quality or no communication from employers

Top five tips on implementing change

The top five tips on implementing change we learned at the Landing Transformational Change Conference, hosted by the University of Bath's School of Management

How to break wellbeing taboos

Employees' health affects productivity. But what to do when the problem is something they won't talk about?

Employers deal with Brexit shockwaves

The leave result of the EU referendum thrusts the role of HR into the spotlight

Big Brother is watching you: employees and TV appearances

What should employers do to prevent potentially damaging television appearances by their staff?

Ask what would keep people, not why they leave

We spend so much time analysing why people leave us, yet often fail to understand what would keep them

Hot topic part two: Expressing EU referendum opinions

Some business leaders have communicated opinions on Brexit to employees. But is this the right thing to do?
