
Workplace monitoring on the rise

More than a quarter of UK workers have said that monitoring and surveillance at work has increased since Covid.

Why has it taken a pandemic to care about people?

“It’s all about our people”, organisations say. But why has it taken a pandemic to make wellbeing or working flexibly a priority? The key is culture, honest leadership, new ways of working, and...

What makes the perfect leader?

Despite the countless business books and advice columns, there is no such thing as a perfect leader.

Business ranked more trustworthy than government

Business has outstripped NGOs, government and the media as the only trusted institution on the annual Edelman Trust Barometer.

What do employees want organisational culture to look like in 2022?

In yesterday’s (25 January) HR Lunchtime Debate HR experts discussed the shape of organisational culture for the year ahead.

The noise of our workplaces is made out of silences

Most people engage in conversation for most of their working and social day, potentially consuming and generating significant creative energy, insights and collaborative possibility.

D&I clinic: Celebrating faith in an increasingly non-religious society

Q. How can you make people with faith still feel seen in the workplace in an increasingly non-religious society?

Hot topic: employee ownership, part two

COVID-19 changed business priorities for many, but some saw it as an opportunity to change direction. Interest in employee ownership hit record highs during the pandemic, with 250 new employee-owned...


Young workers would take a pay cut for better employee experience

Nearly half (48%) of Generation Z employees (ages 18-24) said they would switch jobs for a better employee experience, even if it meant taking a pay cut. A similar proportion (44%) of millennials...

New Acas guidance promises to help make fire and rehire a last resort

Workplace expert Acas has published new guidance encouraging employers to explore all options before resorting to fire and rehire tactics when changing employee contracts.

Employees don't trust organisations enough to share personal data

Workers are willing to share personal data to improve diversity and inclusion (D&I) but do not trust their employer enough to do this.

Employee retention: How to earn employee trust and retain top talent

The pandemic has thrown the global talent market into crisis and many people are now considering their options when it comes to a new career path and what they want from their job.
