
Redundancies on horizon for nearly a fifth of employers

Almost one in five (18%) employers plan to let staff go in the next year according to new research from Acas.

The Great Retirement - why older people are leaving the workforce in droves

Ageism should never be tolerated, but with an ongoing skills shortage, it is particularly important that we retain the wisdom and perspective of older workers.

Watch: How to solve skills shortages with apprenticeships

Can apprenticeships help solve your skills shortages? We put the question to expert panellists from professional services, healthcare and food manufacturing in the the latest HR Lunchtime Debate – now...

Rise in redundancies could have long-lasting consequences, HR warned

Planned redundancies increased by 103% at the start of 2022, posing a risk to company reputation.

Sharp fall in graduate retention during pandemic

Graduate turnover rose to its highest point in 10 years during the pandemic. Research says low pay and poor organisational culture are to blame.

Training is the answer to skills and retention fears, businesses decide

Two-fifths (41%) of UK companies will implement large-scale upskilling or reskilling programmes to retain top talent and address skills shortages.

Employers re-skill for cloud rather than lose staff

As employers turn to training and skills to tackle retention, creativity is needed when thinking about what to offer.

Barty retirement should inspire young workers to chase dreams

Ashleigh Barty's retirement from tennis at 25 shocked the world – but others could learn from the courage it take to quit at the top of your game.

ESG values a deciding factor for job candidates

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are a huge draw for job candidates, many of whom are taking advantage of transferable skill sets and their ability to move around the world to work...

P&O's PR disaster exposes HR's critical role in risk management

Ethical failures, like the recent firing of 800 staff without consultation by ferry company P&O, can prove costly to business and seriously damage people’s lives. Employers – and HR – say experts...

Jealousy over new starters’ bumper pay leads to resignations


Booster salary and benefits packages for new starters aimed at helping recruitment are instead fuelling resignations.

Fulfilling older workers’ teaching ambitions could boost retention

More over-50s are leaving the workforce than at any time since records began in 1992, according to the latest ONS statistics. New research, however, suggests that helping older employees find purpose...