
Hiring demand increases as unemployment rates fall

Companies are hiring more frequently than ever, at a time when job vacancies are exceeding the rate of unemployment.

The future of work is freelance - here’s what HR needs to know

Freelancing is not just a job, not a stopgap, but more of a career choice, and there are benefits for both workers and employers. If HR invests in freelancers now, they’ll reap the rewards for years...

Are CVs the best way to assess candidates?

Most firms still use CVs as the main way of screening candidates, but almost the same number have considered cutting them out completely.

The talent crisis: panic hiring is not the answer

As the UK hits the highest number of job vacancies in 20 years business leaders are panic hiring to fill vacancies and to heal financial wounds. Yet an underlying theme predicted to surface from the...

Hiring previous employees could solve recruitment issues

Boomerang hiring is on the up and this can be good news for employers, if you can ensure you get the onboarding process right.

Age-based assumptions are leading employers astray

Age is always a humorous topic in the HR magazine office. It’s a key signifier of what TV shows we were brought up on or which Glastonbury festival we remember with fond, if hazy, memories.

The Great Retirement - why older people are leaving the workforce in droves, part two

Ageism should never be tolerated, but with an ongoing skills shortage, it is particularly important that we retain the wisdom and perspective of older workers.

Giving new employees the gift of time

As an executive responsible for people operations and community, my guiding principle is something I learned a long time ago: people are not a company's most valuable or greatest asset. People are...

The Great Retirement - why older people are leaving the workforce in droves

Ageism should never be tolerated, but with an ongoing skills shortage, it is particularly important that we retain the wisdom and perspective of older workers.

How to spot emotional intelligence in candidates

Emotional intelligence is a critical soft skill in high demand by recruiters, but what does this look like in prospective job candidates?

Workspaces failing needs of neurodiverse employees

Office designs are failing workers with neurodiverse needs by not accommodating for their differing sensory needs.

Freelancers plugging skills gaps rather than permanent hires

HR directors across the UK are looking to plug the skills gap with freelancers and contractors rather than permanent hires.