Job market

Bad hiring practices are hindering recruitment

The UK labour market is in flux. After what proved to be an incredible boom in the jobs market post-Covid, there are now signs that hiring intent might be softening with the number of open roles...

Why does it feel like everyone is going on strike? Part two

Industrial action is on the rise again, across a range of sectors, and HR has a crucial role to play in helping employers and employees alike mitigate its effects, finds Jo Gallacher

Why does it feel like everyone is going on strike?

Industrial action is on the rise again, across a range of sectors, and HR has a crucial role to play in helping employers and employees alike mitigate its effects, finds Jo Gallacher

Job market volatile as employers wait for November budget

The number of job adverts in the UK is fluctuating heavily as companies scramble to fill vacancies toward the end of the year.

The jobs most likely to bear the brunt of a 2022 recession

ONS labour market data this week showed that open vacancies were dropping at a rate not seen since 2020 with the employment rate hitting 3.6%, the lowest percentage since 1974. Experts have warned...


2022's labour market slows into autumn

The number of jobs in the UK rose to a record 35.8 million in June 2022, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), yet job vacancies have dropped.

Economic instability prompts recruitment caution

Hiring activity in the UK reached its slowest rate for 17 months as businesses exercise more caution due to economic uncertainty around the economy.

How to prepare organisations for a recession

Fears of a looming recession may freeze the UK’s competitive labour market. What can HR do to prepare?

Half of employers advertising legal requirements as job perks

UK employers are advertising pensions, sick pay and training as job perks despite them being obliged to offer them by law.

Women's role in the economy transformed since 1992

The number of female workers in the UK has risen by 4.3 million in the last 30 years, a report by the Resolution Foundation and the Centre for Economic Performance found.

Great Resignation vs staff shortages, part two

The latest skirmish in the UK's war for staff has seen huge numbers of employees up sticks to seek out new roles, meaning HR must fight harder than ever – and creativity will be key, says Beau...

Great Resignation vs staff shortages: HR tackles the UK's talent paradox

Just when you thought lockdown was the great leveller of this generation, 2021 kicks up a talent crisis leaving no sector, and seemingly no employer, unmarked.