
Digital right to work check regulations go live

New legislation regarding how businesses check their employees’ right to work has officially come into effect in the UK as of 1 October, 2022.

What HR needs to know about October’s digital right to work check changes

From 1 October this year, right to work checks will permanently change meaning employers will only be able to hire applicants by meeting them face-to-face or using ID validation technology to check...


How to be your professional self on social media

Businesses routinely monitor employee online profiles to ensure they are presenting a professional image.

Right to work digital ID check providers chosen

The UK government has made the Post Office and identity verification platform Yoti the first certified digital identity service providers (IDSP) to carry out right to work checks across the country.

Why identity politics and safe spaces are being dangerously misused

In September 2020, the smartly named #BAMEOver Live debate took place which set out to answer the question, ‘What do we want to be called?’ Afterwards the organisers surveyed more than 1,000 more...

Highlights from the Stonewall conference

The 2018 Stonewall Workplace Conference focused on what employers can do to become true LGBT allies