
Stonewall denies militancy charge over Equality Index guidelines

LGBT+ charity Stonewall has received criticism for its Workplace Equality Index guidelines, which suggest companies could give multiple email accounts to gender fluid workers.

Employee experience of hybrid work depends on gender

Workers’ experience of hybrid work may differ depending on gender, according to a poll by educational charity The Female Lead.

Hot topic part two: Do diverse hires lead to more inclusive policies?

Succeeding Boris Johnson, prime minister Liz Truss has been hailed for appointing one of the most diverse cabinets in UK history.

Hot topic part one: Do diverse hires lead to more inclusive policies?

Succeeding Boris Johnson, new prime minister Liz Truss has been hailed for appointing one of the most diverse cabinets in UK history.

Benevolent sexism in the workplace – what it is and its impact on women

A well-meaning CEO admitted recently in conversation that he ruled a woman executive out of the running for a more senior role. The job required a move abroad and the CEO felt it might be too much for...

Non-binary representation boosted by targets

Non-binary employees are better represented in the workplace when backed by an organisation which sets goals specifically to help them.

"Pushy" solicitor wins unfair dismissal tribunal

A London solicitor has been awarded £150,000 after successful claims of unfair dismissal, sex discrimination, inequality of pay and victimisation at an employment tribunal.

Millions more women in work than a decade ago

There are two million more women in employment in the UK than there were in 2010, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Costco and Swissport fail to report gender pay gap on time

Wholesale shopping company Costco and aviation company Swissport are among 28 businesses yet to report their gender pay gap data for 2021/22 to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

Soft skills exaggerated in HR

The misconception that HR revolves solely around soft skills could be leading less men to enter the profession.

How can we stop diversity and inclusion washing becoming the next big corporate problem?

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) has become a point of brand differentiation, almost of bragging rights. But if you look into it closely, can anyone say that we are closer to an inclusive, fair...

Women's pension gap worsens with age

New data from Legal & General has revealed the pensions gap for women in their 20s is still 16% - an improvement of just one percentage point since 2020.