Four day week

Four-day working week case study: Arken

Software service provider Arken has successfully moved to a four-day working week after finding staff were happier and just as productive working these hours throughout the pandemic.

Four-day working week would improve UK carbon footprint and employee mood

Not only do employees want a four-day work week, but a new report says its introduction would dramatically reduce the UK’s carbon footprint.

Lessons on mental health from This Can Happen

Religion and culture, flexible working and the four-day week were just some of the topics discussed at the This Can Happen: Empowering workplace mental health conference

Calls for shorter City trader working hours welcomed

The London Stock Exchange (LSE) has announced it is considering cutting 90 minutes off the trading day in a bid to improve worker mental health and attract more women and working parents to the...

Working hours cap unrealistic, finds report

A Labour-commissioned study has dismissed a French-style cap on the length of the working week

Four-day week popular with three-quarters of UK workers

While research shows employees are in favour of a four-day week and increased flexibility, most firms still only offer traditional working hours

Four-day working week boosts PR firm's growth

Research finds employees expect technology to deliver a four-day working week in the near future, as one organisation proves the effectiveness of this approach

De Bois: Employers must educate legislators on flexible working

Former MP Nick de Bois called on employers to pressure the government on matters beyond Brexit, while a panel explored strategic wellbeing and happiness at work

Shorter working week could tackle UK productivity issues

New research finds no correlation between long working hours and productivity

Wednesday half-days could boost productivity

While many aren't prepared for a four-day week, businesses support the idea of an afternoon off on a Wednesday, according to research from Kin&Co

Green Party calls for a 'Free Time Index' to measure wellbeing

GDP should be replaced as a measure of national wellbeing by an index showing how much free time people have to enjoy, according to the party