Flexible working

Employers re-skill for cloud rather than lose staff

As employers turn to training and skills to tackle retention, creativity is needed when thinking about what to offer.

Fostering a culture of belonging and engagement in a hybrid environment

As we transition into our new-normal, hybrid environment, maintaining a sense of belonging and engagement is going to become a key priority for HR departments.

Flexible work stigma still an obstacle in UK

Data released by Business in the Community (BITC), has revealed that even after two years of remote working, employees are still fearful of asking about flexible working when applying for a job.

How can employers champion single mothers?

There are 1.8 million single parents in the UK, the vast majority of whom (nine out of 10) are women. Almost all are in work or want to work, and pre-pandemic single-parent employment hit record...

No future for location pay, but employers reluctant to drop it

In such a competitive talent market, employers have been reluctant to remove location allowances, for example London weighting, from their reward packages. With more and more employees working...

CIPD publishes manifesto to help HR in Northern Ireland post-Covid

The CIPD Northern Ireland has published its first manifesto outlining what the region's HR professionals want from a post-Covid recovery, tackling the impact of the pandemic, Brexit and the NI...

Employers ditch skills requirements to find the right candidate

A third (33%) of UK organisations are willing to drop skills requirements before any others as companies fight for talent.

The four day week: getting productivity right

The four-day working week has once again fuelled public debate with more than 30 UK companies are to take part in a trial to reduce working hours, without impact productivity. But productivity is...

UK managers quitting over stress and lack of training rather than pay

Nearly three quarters (72%) of UK managers who have recently quit their job said adequate training and support could have persuaded them to stay.

Four-day week would help close gender pay gap

A four-day week could help close the gender pay gap for good, research has suggested.

Digital nomad visas no threat to British talent pools

Last week Spain launched its digital nomad visa, offering foreign nationals the opportunity to work remotely while living in Spain. Could the same work in the UK? And will it affect the UK talent...

Does a four-day week undermine true flexibility?

Suggestions that the adoption of a four-day working week will result in less flexibility for workers have been rejected by organisations that have already made four-day weeks permanent.