Digital skills

Over-55s left behind in skills training

Employees over the age of 55 have been left behind by skills training for digital and management skills, a report by training provider Corndel has revealed today.

Festival of Work 2022: day one round up

The CIPD Festival of Work is back in Olympia Kensington for the first time since 2019.

Building decent work for ethnic minorities, part two

Using a collaborative and strengths-based approach to development can help iron out ethnic inequalities, reduce in-work poverty and improve opportunities for all for finding decent work, find Tony...

Building decent work for ethnic minorities, part one

Using a collaborative and strengths-based approach to development can help iron out ethnic inequalities, reduce in-work poverty and improve opportunities for all for finding decent work, find Tony...

Businesses look to tech for post-COVID transformation

Companies are investing in digital technology and automation in order to adapt to significant workplace changes brought on by the pandemic.

More workers taking two full-time jobs in secret

Work from home rules have prompted a small but growing number of workers to take on two full-time roles.

Does HR need more practical routes into the profession?

A poll on LinkedIn has sparked discussion among the HR community about the need for more apprenticeships in the profession.

The pros and cons of the furlough scheme extension

The furlough scheme's extension to the end of September 2021 will continue supporting businesses financially struggling during the pandemic. However, HR is concerned about the mental health and...

Leaders unprepared to drive digital skills transformation

Employees believe it is up to leaders to drive digital change, but gaps in skillsets are impacting whether organisations are able to transform

Leaders have increased confidence in digital skills

While Deloitte research shows that business leaders’ confidence in their own and new hires' digital skills has improved, concerns about keeping pace with new technologies and ethical use of AI persist