
Work socials need to be more inclusive of those who don't drink

While inclusivity in the workplace is high on the agenda, the fact that 34% of employees avoid work socials because alcohol will be present, suggests that more needs to be done to help those of us...

Culture change is broken. Here's how to fix it

Is there a better way to deliver cultural change? According to research by McKinsey, 70% of culture change programmes fail.

Why kindness and culture go together

Kindness is essential to achieving organisational goals while enabling employees to flourish.

How increasing globalisation in the workplace is changing the role of HR managers

As the world becomes increasingly globalised, we find ourselves working together but separately in a large yet small, digitally-connected world. The unexpected events of the last few years, notably...

Combating microaggressions: how C-suite leadership can foster inclusion

When it comes to the workplace, employers should be aware that building the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion contributes to employees’ sense of belonging within the organisation....

Six ways to fix the roadblocks to higher employee morale

There’s plenty of talk about the value of employee experience. But just how can you turn the talk into actions that really deliver results?

Behind the scenes at the CBI: Exclusive interview

A year after allegations of sexual misconduct and rape rocked the CBI, Millicent Machell speaks to the women tasked with rehabilitating the organisation.

Create a cohesive, diverse growth culture that thrives in a distributed setup

It’s no secret that rapid business growth comes with its own set of HR complications, not least aligning an expanding team towards a common goal.

How to tend to the needs of the long-term sick

With economic inactivity due to long-term sickness hitting record levels, HR has a critical role in improving health, wellbeing, talent and business outcomes, writes Dan Cave

Why cultural alignment should be HR's priority in 2024

Imagine the best job you’ve ever had. What did you love about it? What was it that energised you? Was it the kind of work you did? Did you connect with your colleagues and form long-lasting...

12 Months of 2023: November

In November, new rules meant fewer ex-offenders will have to disclose convictions, Elon Musk declared that AI will make all jobs redundant and an inquiry found weapons at a union office in Brighton.

Legal ease: Prevent toxic cultures by acting early

The causes of toxic culture are often trivial, but the effects are not. Early intervention is key, and managers must not be reluctant to grasp the nettle if the situation is to be resolved.