
Don't ignore the power of relationships at work

Our emotional worlds have a far bigger impact on our working lives than we realise, according to author and psychotherapist Esther Perel

HR and digital transformation at Vodafone

?At the Unleash World Conference and Expo in Amsterdam, Vodafone's global organisation and people development director shared how the company underwent a rapid digital transformation

Workers turning to AI to improve wellbeing and productivity

Tomorrow’s workforce will be more socially conscientious, and use technology to improve their productivity and health, according to research from Unum

AI will create more jobs than it displaces, says WEF

Fears over artificial intelligence (AI) replacing jobs may be unfounded but employers must provide more training in new tech, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Green: HR failing to keep pace with external change

The world of work is changing beyond recognition but people strategy hasn't kept up, according to Kevin Green, founder and CEO of What's Next Consultancy and former CEO of the REC

Workers fear losing their jobs to AI

Experts call on employers to support workers with changes to the world of work as research reveals employee perceptions of automation and job losses

Workers more concerned about surveillance than robots

Surveillance is the new technology that most concerns workers, according to the first report from the RSA’s Future Work Centre.

Organisations should focus on ‘resourcing’ rather than recruitment

Recruitment is reactive and focuses only on short-term needs, whereas resourcing is long term and strategic

Middle market companies confident about hiring

Middle market businesses worldwide are showing signs of optimism as they prioritise AI and attracting diverse talent, research from EY has found

AI can make recruitment more human

Rather than taking the focus away from people, AI can help to create a more “human process", according to Unilever's CHRO

Automation to complement human skills in NHS of the future

A report has suggested that automation could 'complement human skills and talents' and reduce time spent on repetitive tasks in the NHS

The science of storytelling in recruitment

Authentic storytelling can drive new talent to organisations, according to speakers at a PathMotion and Immersion Neuroscience event