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Homeworking is more attractive than high salaries

<p>More than a fifth of employees would be prepared to take a pay cut in order to work from home. </p><p>This is according to a new international Famatech survey. Of all workers asked, 2% said they would take a pay cut of 16%-20%, while 6% would sacrifice 6%-10%. </p><p>The vast majority (83%) of respondents say that the ability to work flexibly would greatly influence whether they took a new job or not. </p><p>Currently, few employees are given the choice, with 16% saying they are not allowed, and just 14% saying they are actively encouraged to work from home. </p><p> It is astonishing that so few companies encourage homeworking despite the numerous competitive, financial and environmental benefits that can be gained from doing so, says Anton Levchuk, marketing director at Famatech. The quality of the remote access technology that is now available ensures that working from home doesnt mean the employee will be delivering less value or getting any less work done. </p>

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