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Demoralised public services staff to lobby MPs

<p>Public-services representatives will lobby MPs in June over the future of the sector and the right to fair pay, the TUC has announced. </p><p>The Speak up for Public Services representatives will descend upon Westminster on Monday 9 June, starting with a rally in Methodist Central Hall and ending with staff lobbying MPs. </p><p>Workers across the sector including the health service, local government, central government and the prison service are expected to attend, as well as general secretaries from unions. </p><p> Across the country, public-sector employees are feeling increasingly undervalued and demoralised, says TUC general secretary Brendan Barber. They feel that public-service reform is something done to them, not with them. They believe that all their hard work frequently goes unnoticed by politicians and that their contribution to improving public services is often overlooked. </p>

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