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Books: The HR director's opinion

Sarah Coochey HR director, Indesit Company UK, on three texts that have made an impact on her life.

Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S Kuhn was a university text for me but some of the theories are still relevant. It makes me think about how, as HR professionals, we may filter the experiences that shape our priorities based on certain ways of thinking and that perhaps we miss key anomalies if we're not careful.

The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins is invaluable, especially for someone moving into a leadership position. It's an easy read with models that can be applied generally at work.

Finally, for individuals and organisations that often grind to a halt by over-analysing data and weighing up options before committing to action, Blink - The Power of Thinking without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell explains how 'gut reactions' can be equally - or even more - effective.