SMEs call for UK to open borders to fill labour shortages

Over half (52%) of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are in favour of opening the UK’s doors to overseas workers to plug vacancies.

Tax expert awarded £100k in trans tweets tribunal

Tax expert Maya Forstater, has been awarded £100,000 for discrimination and victimisation at tribunal after losing her job due to posting gender-critical beliefs on Twitter.

Flexible paternity leave plans announced by government

Government has announced it will amend legislation to give new parents more flexibility on when and how they take paternity leave, in response to a public consultation on parental leave and pay.

Baker wins tribunal after being sacked for holey loaves

Artur Piaszczynski, the head baker at a Dorset artisan bread shop, Leakers Bakery, has won £15,000 in an unfair dismissal case after being sacked for making loaves with too many holes in them.

Care worker who refused vaccine due to ethical veganism loses tribunal

Former Sunrise care worker, Tracy Owen, has lost an unfair dismissal claim last week (21 June) after she refused the coronavirus vaccine on the grounds of being vegan.

Key HR strategies for managing immigration

Immigration will, it seems, always be at or near the top of any government’s list of national concerns. For this reason, the UK’s system of managed migration is often the subject of review, redesign...

AI use in employee terminations raises HR concerns

One in 10 HR practitioners working in tech in the US are using ChatGPT to write termination letters, according to new data from B2B Reviews.


New diversity and inclusion standard published by BSI

New guidance to help organisations create a diverse and inclusive workplace culture, has been published by national standards body, the British Standards Institution (BSI).

A year of strikes: what has changed?

Today (21 June) marks one year since the first rail strikes of 2022, which sparked a wave of strikes from nurses, teachers, junior doctors and a number of other professions.

Carer’s Leave Bill – what employers need to know

The Carer’s Leave Bill is expected to come into force in 2024 after it received final approval from the House of Lords in May.

Ryanair chief pilot sacked over sexual harassment allegations

Ryanair former chief pilot Aidan Murray has reportedly been dismissed for repeated sexual misconduct following an investigation by the airline.

Fathers can’t afford paternity leave, finds TUC

Paternity leave is not taken at all by 21% of fathers, and financial worries are the biggest reason for this (27%).