Information Technology

Stephen Pierce, chief people officer, Hitachi Europe

?Stephen Pierce is chief HR officer of Hitachi Europe, part of a Japanese company with a vision of creating ‘a better society through technology’.

Sandra Campopiano, chief people officer, Sage Group

?Sandra Campopiano is an HR professional with extensive experience of operating at board level in complex multi-national organisations

Andy Doyle, chief HR officer, WorldPay

Andy is commercially-focused, having spent his career in a variety of HR and general management roles


Stephen Kelly, chief HR and leadership officer, Avanade

Stephen Kelly has in excess of 20 years of business and HR experience having undertaken business and people related roles both in local and international markets in five sectors: transport, financial...


Jennifer Duvalier, executive vice president, people, ARM

Jennifer Duvalier joined ARM as executive vice president of people in September 2013 and in 2014 was appointed non-executive director at Guardian Media Group. That same year she was voted one of the...
