Katy Clough

Growing talent internally can help you avoid skills crisis

There is still a lot of talk in our industry about the war for talent being a looming crisis for which we must all prepare. Well, it is my belief that it is already upon us. Finding the right person...


CSR has to be about people affecting other people if you want it to drive employee engagement

Even against the backdrop of digital tools, employee engagement is a commodity that is hard-won.


Global business has changed how we all communicate

The world is a much smaller place than it was when I started my HR career. The way people work and communicate has truly changed forever, and this has changed the nature of businesses.


The "Bring Your Own Device" trend lets employees take the lead

Flexible working, the agile workforce and employee mobility are terms that create a lot of buzz in the organisational HR department.


Success in any young company is linked to a talented team

The technology sector is one of the few to experience growth during the downturn, but recruitment remains a major issue. It is people that drive a company forward.
