Karen Mattison

There will be no flexible working revolution without facing the hard questions on part-time work

Public attitudes towards part-time working are finally starting to change. More senior level part-time workers are getting visibility. So why aren’t things getting better for the UK’s 7.9 million...


How to do a senior HR role part-time

Timewise director Karen Mattison gives her tips on making a senior HR role successful on a flexible basis


Top five myths about flexible working

The impact of UK SMEs on the job market recovery has been anything but small. A recent study by the Institute of Public Policy & Research (IPPR) found that the country’s small businesses are...


A shortage of part-time work and lack of flexibility bars women from the workplace

Last week The Women and Work Commission unveiled a set of 43 recommendations for the Government on how best to address the gender pay gap and other issues affecting women's employment.
