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Towry Law reinforces CSR programme

Towry Law has launched a charity giving and volunteer programme for staff as part of its CSR and environmental policy.

The wealth and corporate advising company, which employs 650 staff in the UK, has pledged to contribute annually to local and national charities from its profits.

The environmental programme will cover initiatives from encouraging employees to cycle to and from work, to implementing office recycling programmes.

Staff will also have the opportunity to volunteer to help the National Reading and Numeracy Programme and local environmental projects.

Andrew Fisher, chief executive of Towry Law, said: "It is easy to pay lip service to a CSR and environmental policy but, by establishing the Towry Law Giving Back Programme, we are giving formal focus to our activity. We want to give back to the communities in which we work, either through charitable donations, responsible environment policies or direct action in the community."

He added: "Our employees, who are also shareholders in our company, are hugely supportive of this initiative. We all hope that the programme will have a positive impact."