State pension

Potential national insurance increase drives concern

The government could increase employers' national insurance contributions in the autumn budget, on 30 October. Our commentators analyse how business leaders might react.

National insurance cuts raise state pension question

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s national insurance (NI) cut, which came into effect last week (6 January) has potential implications for the funding of state pensions, according to Steve Cameron, pension...

Government delays raising state pension age

The UK government has decided not to bring forward the date when the state pension age is due to rise from 67 to 68.

UK workers forced to rethink retirement plans

UK workers are having to work for longer before retirement due to the increased state pension age, while receiving less money from their pensions than they would need to retire comfortably.

Employees in favour of taking early pensions

A day after the government closed its call for evidence around state pension age changes, new research reveals a significant proportion of workers support the idea of being able to access their state...

Firms expect government to make pensions mandatory

Businesses also expect the government to increase auto-enrolment minimum contributions beyond 8%