Mental health support

Work-related stress tops employers' health and wellbeing concerns

Work-related stress and anxiety is employers’ biggest health and wellbeing concern for employees, according to a survey commissioned by Grid, an industry body for the group risk sector.

Depression causes employees to move to less stressful jobs

A third (33%) of people with depression reported they have quit their job due to their condition, a report by mental health treatment provider Flow Neuroscience found.

Employees unequipped to talk about suicidal thoughts

Nine in 10 employees do not know that the best way to save the life of someone considering suicide is to ask them directly whether they have a plan to end their life, according to research by social...

HR’s mental health needs supervision

HR professionals routinely face a complex range of challenges in their role, alongside the emotional fallout associated with supporting others. However, they rarely have access to the mental health...