Job market

How HR can manage the January recruitment boom

Traditionally, jobseekers look to start a new job in the new year. We asked commentators how HR practitioners can manage the January recruitment boom.

“Cautious” hiring market amid Autumn Budget and US election

Vacancies continued to decline in October, while wage growth slowed, according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), published today (12 November).

Admin roles predicted to decline by 2035

Workers in administrative and construction sectors are at the greatest risk of leaving the labour market, or experiencing downward wage pressures, a report by the National Foundation for Educational...

ONS figures: Labour market ‘reasonably steady’

Employment levels have increased over the latest quarter, while vacancies continue to decrease, the latest statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Labour Force Survey have shown.

Decline in recruitment slows as candidate availability surges

Recruitment continued to fall in April but at a slower rate than in previous months, the latest report by KPMG and the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) has revealed.

John Lewis hints at further redundancies

John Lewis has hinted that it will continue to make job cuts in 2024, despite reporting a return to profit.

Vacancies fall while real pay growth strengthens

Vacancies have continued to fall but lower inflation has spurred pay growth, according to the latest estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Pay growth picks up speed as candidate numbers surge

Candidate supply has continued to rise sharply in December 2023 as pay growth picked up from November lows, according to the latest figures from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) and...

12 Months of 2023: December

In December, vacancies continued to fall, geopolitical risk was named as the fastest growing danger to business and Spotify made mass redundancies.

Refugees held back from reaching full potential in UK job market

Language barriers, precarious work and discrimination are halting career advancement for refugees.

Total vacancies fall under 1 million for the first time in two years

Total vacancies have fallen under 1 million for the first time since May 2021.

12 months of 2023: April

As we reach the end of the year, our 12 days of Christmas countdown revisits the key events of each month