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Snow costs UK companies over 2.2 billion in staff absence

More employees stayed at home last week due to adverse weather, than ever seen before, according to absence management organisation FirstCare.

Almost 14% of the UK workforce stayed at home on Wednesday, over 15% on Thursday and just over 10% on Friday because of the extreme weather conditions the UK.  It is estimated that the direct costs to the UK companies will exceed £2.2bn*.

Aaron Ross, CEO of FirstCare, said:"With the cold snap continuing into next week we expect high levels of absence to persist"

"It is paramount employers review and revise their working plans for the days ahead to ensure employee safety is at the top of the agenda. Whether it's asking employees to work from home or even closing the office, all activities should be effectively communicated with staff and information around pay given. In addition, guidance should be given on what business activities are essential and which can be put on hold until the weather improves.

"Employers should also give appropriate advice to their employees about how to travel safely in the icy conditions.  Already, and as FirstCare saw in February 2009, the emergency services are reporting an increase in fractures and injuries as people make unnecessary journeys and end up slipping on ice.

"We advise all employers to ensure that they are also making adequate provisions to ensure the safety of employees in their car parks and communal areas as the treacherous conditions remain."