According to Aon Consulting, 88% of employees think sick pay is desirable or highly desirable. This is followed by critical illness insurance (68%), private medical insurance (66%) and dental insurance (64%).
The survey shows healthy eating options in workplace canteens are highly desirable or desirable to 59% of staff and are rated more highly than subsidised gym membership (41%) and weight loss support (33%).
But younger members of staff are more attracted to gym membership, with 55% wanting it compared with 41% overall. Counselling is also popular with younger staff - it is desired by 34% compared with 30% overall.
More than a third of women (39%) find weight loss support desirable or highly desirable compared with 29% of men.
Alex Bennett, head of healthcare consulting at Aon Consulting, said: "At a time when workers are worried about their financial futures, it is no surprise that, rather than concentrating on staying healthy, they focus on how they are going to manage in the event they do become sick.
"It is encouraging to see British workers value the financial support and healthcare benefits provided at a time of illness. However, if employers are to continue to fund such benefits then they must do more to both improve and capture the return on investment, including benchmarking and board-level commitment. This should be coupled with promoting wellness to improve productivity."
Sick pay is more highly prized than health insurance, says Aon Consulting

Income during sickness absence is the most valued health-related employee benefit among staff and is more highly rated than private medical insurance and occupational health services.