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Hot topic, part two: Donald Trump's presidency

What will his presidency mean for business? We ask how Trump could affect organisations around the world

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, professor of strategic leadership and governance at Henley Business School, says:

"Trump’s leadership style may be unlike anything we have witnessed before on the American political scene. As a business person, chief executive, and an ‘outsider’ he does not come with the ‘normal’ political characteristics or demeanor.

"I would say Trump is classic Weberian charismatic in leadership style and an ENTJ on the Myers Briggs Inventory. He is a ‘doer’ and will be aggressive in both tactics and strategy.

"Some believe him to be a narcissist but I would label him a high-energy initiator with the skills of a builder. He delegates authority and uses the media (both social and traditional) to message a popular audience.

"His leadership will be more unilateral than multilateral and nationalistic. His management theory is chaos. He takes divergent views and then takes conclusive action."

Tony Haque, an immigration lawyer at Baker & McKenzie, says:

"Donald Trump has undertaken to reform immigration to keep the level within historic norms. However, the detail behind this broad commitment still needs to be developed.

"Previous comments by Trump’s proposed attorney general, Jeff Sessions, particularly in relation to restricting the H-1B visa category for specific industries such as the technology sector, are naturally of interest to businesses seeking to move staff between the US and other countries, but it is too early to say how this might affect UK businesses with US operations.

"Trump has publicly indicated that entering into a trade deal with the UK once it has left the EU would be a priority for his administration. If such a trade deal included certain visa benefits this could even lead to more beneficial rights for certain highly skilled professionals to obtain visas.

"Companies with operations in the US may wish to analyse the proportion of their US-based workforce who rely on the present visa system, and consider taking preliminary steps to reassure those employees. Our experience from the Brexit referendum is that meaningful steps to reassure members of the workforce who are concerned about their status including, where appropriate, advice sessions on the current status of immigration proposals, can mitigate the effect of such policy statements on the workforce."

Read part one of this Hot Topic