More than a third (37%) of dog owners would turn down a job if they couldn’t bring their dog to the office, according to research by pet care marketplace Rover, and 29% report that they would take a...
Workers should be involved in the prime minister’s plans to ‘unleash AI’ across the country, Unite the union has warned.
Two thirds of workers (62%) are worried about being overworked this year, a survey by recruitment firm Robert Half, has shown.
A former finance manager for Age UK has been imprisoned after pleading guilty to fraud by abuse of position, for stealing nearly £460,000 from the charity.
The government has set up 11 new regional employment councils, aiming to support ex-offenders into work.
Fewer than one in five (17%) employees have factored the cost of long-term care into their retirement planning, research by professional services consultancy firm Barnett Waddingham has revealed.
Former staff employed during Mohamed Al Fayed’s ownership of Harrods have claimed there was a culture of racism, BBC News reported on 9 January.
Men who were a part of a 1970s campaign group for the legalisation of paedophilia were employed in roles where they came into contact with minors, BBC News reported on 8 January.
A funeral home discriminated against and unfairly dismissed an employee with cancer, a tribunal has ruled.
McDonald’s announced it will roll back some of its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, four years after they were introduced.
A recruitment agency, Tripod Partners, unlawfully deducted nearly £37,000 from a social worker’s salary, a tribunal has ruled, after it incorrectly classified her under IR35.
Chief people officer has fallen off LinkedIn’s list of top-25 fastest-growing jobs in the UK. AI and sustainability roles are among the most popular jobs.