Many are rejecting the nine-box grid and rolling out more flexible, bespoke talent management systems
It's HR's job to create the conditions for innovation and collaboration to flourish, says ARM's EVP people
I'd like to see a more confident and buoyant HR profession that pushes for board-level HR
Zappos HRD Hollie Delaney talks about implementing holacracy at the online retailer
The HR magazine team is at the HR Directors Business Summit. Here are some of the best bits from day two
While restructuring a company it's important HR ensures values remain close to their original ethos
Socio-political and economic issues are changing the world of work. HR should seize the opportunity
The Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles raise some good analysis of HR – even if collected under an incendiary title
Splitting the function into its strategic and operational parts has changed HR for the better at Informa Business Intelligence
HR is often in the firing line. But we're standing up to say enough is enough – this is why everyone should love HR
Evidence-based HR isn't about stealing anyone's thunder, it's about making the profession more effective
Boosting productivity is about far more than investing in technology, it's about everything we do in HR