Why PwC decided to report its BAME pay gap

The progress being made on gender diversity has made the firm think about broader areas of difference

Hot topic: Greater pay transparency, part two

What issues does greater pay transparency throw up for organisations, and how can they address these?

How all businesses can prepare for gender pay gap reporting

While the regulations target large organisations, companies of all sizes can take steps to close their gap

The BBC pay report: You are now entering an era of transparency

Publication of the BBC's pay report may be a milestone on the way to greater pay transparency generally

Standards for people management

Standards build upon the philosophy that valuing people is the cornerstone of organisational performance

Will your gender pay gap report be all pain and no gain?

Gender pay gap reporting could be damaging. But it’s also an opportunity to put diversity on the business agenda

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Hot topic: Gender pay reporting, part two

As gender pay gap reporting is introduced will it lead to problems?

Hot topic: Gender pay gap reporting

As gender pay gap reporting is introduced, we ask: will it lead to problems, and what can firms do to counter them?

How can businesses truly measure culture?

Government, regulators and investors are increasingly focused on culture. What does this mean for HR?

SSE HR director John Stewart talks human capital

SSE doesn’t just (literally) value its people, it also values what helps them grow, such as training, fair wages, and a transparent workplace

Reputation in the balance: rethinking corporate governance

In light of bad practice at some large organisations, corporate governance needs to be seen as less of a box-ticking exercise and more an integral, people-focused part of business

Investors left ‘in the dark’ over human capital reporting, says PLSA

The PLSA has published a toolkit to help investors get better quality human capital information from companies