Brexit affecting hiring decisions

?HR professionals fear that Brexit will negatively affect recruitment, according to LinkedIn research

British searches for EU jobs back to post-referendum levels

The spike following the 2016 referendum subsided but the increases in 2017 and 2018 hint at a more sustained trend

London workers lose out on pay rises because of housing costs

High housing costs are limiting the overall income gains from regional wage variances

Migrant workers needed for both low- and high-skilled roles

Businesses are concerned about – but not prepared for – a tighter labour market according to the Migration Advisory Committee

Gender divide over approach to international assignments

Male expats focus on career development while women pursue adventure and experience

Brexit leaves employers 'uncertain' about recruitment

?Employers are reluctant to hire more workers during economic uncertainty, research has revealed

Employers favour UK-wide immigration system post-Brexit

Most employers would back a national approach to post-Brexit immigration, according to research

Employers unprepared for risks to disability rights post-Brexit

Businesses can't assume there'll be no legal changes around equal employment legislation

Legal-ease: Workforce relocation

When moving to new premises it is not always safe to assume that employees will make the move with you

UK one of the 'cheapest countries' for overseas work

The UK is now cheaper to work in than Italy, Germany or France

Talent location key to company growth

Firms can improve performance and productivity by taking a more strategic approach to talent to market alignment