HRMI 2022: Danny Harmer, chief people officer, Aviva

Danny Harmer was appointed chief people officer for Aviva in February 2020.

She leads Aviva’s global people and culture strategy and is passionate about supporting our people and keeping things simple for them so they can focus on putting our customers at the heart of everything they do.

Harmer is the co-executive sponsor of Aviva’s pride community, executive representative on the global inclusion committee and co-executive sponsor of the domestic abuse working group, which introduced training last year to support customers and colleagues.

Harmer also writes articles and speaks at events on issues such as menopause, caring and working parents.

She is a chartered fellow of the CIPD and a founding court member of the Guild of HR Professionals. She was recognised as one of HR magazine’s Most Influential Practitioners in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 and has been named as an OUTstanding LGBT+ ally and HERoes female role model.


Recommended reading:

My first year at Aviva: leading through coronavirus

Million more disabled people in work than five years ago


Danny Harmer ranked 20th on HR magazine’s list of HR Most Influential practitioners in 2022.

Find the full list of HR Most Influential 2022 practitioners and thinkers here